Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Wait Up.

Hey we're gonna take a look at Dr Waits, examine his fine work, inspect his mastery, dig his gold...

Asylum quickly snubbed Waits upon hearing this new platter, sensing Waits had lost his mind and was off on tangents too strange for their roster...fools...This was the new era, the new way, Waits was taking care of business.  Giving two fingers to his old label Waits stepped into Island records' office and promptly released these clutch of beauties.
I cant begin to talk about it.  Mere insult.
Thank fuck for Swordfish


Friday, 15 January 2010


Gotta be the best drink out on the market these days...Goes down easy, goes down nice.
100% Pure.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Hey now...

Albums on the spin....Albums in the Bin..

Its early '10, new music is lame.

Put these into use.... 10 for jan '10

1. Mercyful Fate - Dont Break The Oath
...musical equivalent of getting your pipes cleaned, 1986, tap me in

2. Bathory - Twilight of the Gods
Reminds me of going to the arcades when i was 7, new games, lights, adventure, power.... "...and the sky is blue above us....."

3. Judas Priest - British steel

4. Tom Waits - Alice

5. Thin Lizzy - Johnny the Fox

6. Inepsy - City Weapons
If I could be any band other than 'lute

7. Killing Joke - Thousand Suns

8. Bulldozer - IX
Bought the new one, its no 9

9. Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing - Best of
Sweet strands

10. Peter Gabriel - So
Amazing! 86!

.....Longer than you!!

Lets kick things off with the shutdown of Batty... Apparently they call him Roy for short.

Only myself and Gaff know... Knows.